A downloadable game

Developed by the Virtualbois in Salt Lake City, UT.


Late in 1855, you are an up and coming deputy in Deadwood, South Dakota looking to earn your badge to live your life long dream of getting into the force. The local sheriff is looking for you to prove your horse riding and sharp shooting skills. Do you have what it takes?


This project was developed by a team of 6 undergraduates for the University of Utah's CS 5360/6360 VR class. There was no particular inspiration; one of our team members thought of this idea and it sounded fun!


The main attraction to Frontier Deputy is the opportunity given to the player to ride a horse across a desert landscape while shooting targets and completing challenges. The horse is controlled via reins that employ rope physics to give it a sense of reality. 

In addition to horse riding, we have the following highlighted features:

  • Ray traced gun firing.
  • Holstering, including on a horse saddle.
  • Achievements
  • Mini games!

About Us

We are the Virtualbois. Our names are Ty Jensen, Andrew Haas, Hunter Schmidt, Lucas Idstrom, Joey Zanchelli, and Michael Blum. We started off as a team of 3 with Michael, Andrew, and Hunter, and then came together as a full team after looking for other undergraduates in the class. 

Summary of individual contributions:

  • Ty Jensen: ty.jensen.123@gmail.com - Gameplay programming, model creation, gun mechanics, open world design.
  • Andrew Haas:  u0493118@utah.edu - Gameplay programming, horse riding.
  • Hunter Schmidt: u0916776@utah.edu - Menu UI, project management.
  • Lucas Idstrom: u057102@utah.edu - Level design.
  • Joey Zanchelli: jzanchelli@gmail.com - 3D modelling and level design.
  • Michael Blum: mab8192@gmail.com - Gameplay programming, achievements, open world design, project management, this website.
  • Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera: rogelio@cs.utah.edu - Faculty Sponsor 

Logo by Simon Child from the Noun Project (www.thenounproject.com)


Frontier_Deputy_Beta.zip 96 MB

Install instructions

To play, download the .zip file and run "Frontier Deputy.exe"